Rwenzori Mountains National Park

Rwenzori Mountains National park : was established in 1992 and it’s recorded as the second tallest mountain in the whole of Africa after Kilimanjaro Mountains. The Mountain is also known as the Mountains of the moon, managed by the Uganda Wildlife Authority. It was also designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994 because of its outstanding natural beauty. Generally, the snow-ice-capped mountain lies along Uganda’s border with Democratic Republic of Congo and Borders the DRC’s Virunga National Park. More so, the fourth and fifth highest peaks of Africa (Mount Speke and Mount Baker) are located in this parkThe park has got glaciers, snowfields, waterfalls, bamboo forest, moorland and lakes and in addition it is one of Africa’s most beautiful mountain areas.

The park hosts over 70 mammals and over 217 bird species including 19 Albertine Rift endemics, as well as some of the world’s rarest vegetation. Above all, mountaineering is the main attractive activity in the area with concentration of waterfalls, hot springs and uncommon vegetation. The Park is as well recognized for its diverse and beautiful flora rather than its fauna. For hikers who climb following the Rwenzori route get the opportunity to watch the beautiful vegetation ranging from tropical rainforest to the tree heathers, montane forest etc.  

What to do in Rwenzori Mountains National Park

Mountain climbing

Mountain climbing at Mountain Rwenzori National Park

Generally, mountain climbing is the major tourist attraction in the park. As a result, the park is a well-known popular destination for Mountain climbing. Whereby visitors hike to the snow-capped peaks and it’s an underrated gem that is largely not discovered by many.

With this in mind, hiking to the Margherita peak is the most challenging experience. However, it’s the most exciting adventurous activity and the hiker must be physically fit and of good health. Meanwhile, hike offers stunning views of the rare vegetation zones, climate and glaciers around the mountain ranges. On the other hand, there are two major trailing trails in the park that hikers have to follow (Central circuit trail and kilembe trail).

Wildlife in the Park

Surprisingly, the park is a home to over 70 mammal species like Rwenzori Otter, Elephants, duikers. Giant forest hogs, bushbucks, Buffalo, golden cats, Leopard and many more. Primates such as blue monkeys, Angola colobus, black and white colobus, red tailed monkeys, Olive baboons and Chimpanzees are also in the area.

Cultural Experiences

This Park offer chances for cultural experiences with one of the local groups living at the foot of the mountains. Therefore, tourists can go and visit the village of Ruboni to explore the neighboring Bakonzo group at the mountain slopes. All in all, the Bakonzo people arrange cultural dance performances while sharing information about their history.

Bird watching

The park hosts over 217 bird species including 19 Albertine Rift endemics. Whereby most of them can be found in the forest zones and 17 of 217 bird species can only be found in Rwenzori. The bird species include; Handsome Francolin, Rwenzori Turaco, Long-eared Owl, Barred Long-tailed Cuckoo.

Bee-eater, Strange Weaver, Archers’ Robin-chat, Rwenzori Batis, White-starred Robin. Montane Sooty Boubou, Slender-billed Starling, Lagden’s Bush Shrike, Blue-headed Sunbird. Barbets, Golden-winged Sunbird, Greenbuls, Flycatchers, purple breasted sunbird, dwarf honey guide, Bearded vultures, etc.

Guided nature walks and hiking

For those who cannot take a challenge of hiking to the Margherita you can opt to take a guided nature walk around the community. This thrilling activity however gives you a chance to walk with the forest foothills on foot with an experienced ranger using the central circuit.

Here, different trails can be used during the hiking process that’s to say Lake Mahoma and Buraro chimpanzee forest. During the nature walk, visitors will be able to see River Mubuku for views of Baker and portal peaks. snow-capped Margherita peak, view squirrels, Vervet monkeys as well as chameleons.

How to get to the Park

You can take a scheduled flight from Entebbe International airport to Kasese Airfield. You can as well reach the park from Kampala via Fort Portal.

How to get there/Accommodation/Related safaris


The park has got a lot of lodges, camps & hotels for accommodation ranging from luxury, budget and mid-range. Furthermore these are available both inside and outside the park. You can as well book your accommodation through our company and early bookings are advised.

Accommodation in Rwenzori National Park


  • Elephant Plains Lodge


  • Ruboni Community Camp
  • Bethel Guest house


  • Tropical Savannah Guest House
  • Blue Agama Guest House

Contact Information


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