Lake Mburo National Park

Lake Mburo National Park : is a compact gem, located conveniently close to the highway that connects Kampala to the parks of western Uganda. Surprisingly, it is the smallest of Uganda’s savannah parks and underlain by ancient Precambrian metamorphic rocks over 500 million years. Furthermore, it is home to over 350 bird species as well as different mammal species. Together with 13 other lakes in the area, Lake Mburo forms part of a 50km-long wetland system linked by a swamp. Once covered by open savanna, Lake Mburo National Park now contains much woodland as there are no elephants to tame the vegetation. 

What to do in Lake Mburo National Park

Nature walks

On an early morning guided walk you often encounter hyenas returning to their dens after a night of being on the prowl. At the same time you will see hippos returning from grazing during the nigh. However, they return to Lake Mburo to keep cool during the day and protect their sensitive skin from the sun.

During a nature walk, you will also see Zebras, Giraffes, Eland, Topi, buffaloes, birds and butterfly species. You will also take a trail to the top of the hills and see Lake Mburo and beyond. From this vantage point you able to have a great views of 9 of the regional lakes found in the area.

Wild game drives

This is the only park in Uganda with Eland, Impala Antelopes and Giraffes. However, game drives prove to be rewarding with leopards and at time lions. In other words, game drives through the park allows you to see many animals and birds.


Bird watching

Generally, the park is best for water and acacia associated birds. There are different species observed at different locations and these include; Rufous-bellied Heron, Coqui Francolin. Grey Crowned Crane, Black-bellied Bustard, Brown-chested Lapwing, Emerald-spotted Wood-Dove and more. Nevertheless, swampy valleys of Warukiri and Miriti to be excellent areas for birding whereby you may also spot the rare shoebill Stork.

Boat safaris

Generally, a boat ride on Lake Mburo gets you in touch with the flora and fauna of the Lake. Along the bank, you will see lots of animals coming to water especially during the dry season. There are also hippos, crocodiles, buffaloes, antelopes and zebras.

How to get there/Accommodation/Related safaris


The park has got a lot of lodges, camps & hotels for accommodation ranging from luxury, budget and mid-range. However, these are available both inside and outside the park. You can book your accommodation through our company and early bookings are advised.


Accommodation in Lake Mburo National Park

  • Kijuura lodge
  • Arcadia lodge
  • Mihingo lodge
  • Mantana Tented camp


  • Lake Mburo safari lodge
  • Arcadia cottages

Contact Information


Tell: +256783289987


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